Mantes la Jolie young collegians arrested (Source: Facebook )
The Ministry of Education counted in the morning of Monday a hundred high schools troubled across France, with complete or partial blockages. In fact, nearly 200 high schools in France, 94 of them are from Ile de France, (Suburbs of Paris). Among the most affected academies are Toulouse (about forty troubled institutions), Versailles and Créteil (twenty in each of these academies). At the end of the day, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said 188 high schools had been affected.More than 700 high school students were arrested throughout France on Thursday. Several videos with overwhelming images, show young people from Mantes-la-Jolie, in the Yvelines, arrested by police officers, on an image that shocked the opinion and whose video is the buzz on the Internet, indeed high school students are put on his knees his hands on his head, and against the wall, inflicted by the police. There were 153 arrests at Mantes la Jolie.
The Ministry of Education counted in the morning of Monday a hundred high schools troubled across France, with complete or partial blockages. In fact, nearly 200 high schools in France, 94 of them are from Ile de France, (Suburbs of Paris). Among the most affected academies are Toulouse (about forty troubled institutions), Versailles and Créteil (twenty in each of these academies). At the end of the day, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said 188 high schools had been affected.
More than 700 high school students were arrested throughout France on Thursday. Several videos with overwhelming images, show young people from Mantes-la-Jolie, in the Yvelines, arrested by police officers, on an image that shocked the opinion and whose video is the buzz on the Internet, indeed high school students are put on his knees his hands on his head, and against the wall, inflicted by the police. There were 153 arrests at Mantes la Jolie.------------------------------------------------
Louis Boyard, high school student, President of the National Union High School, explains that high school girls are angry as they "Yellow Vests". He explains that they are 35 pupils per class, that there are some teachers of philosophy missing, while some are in the final year and find themselves in the new selection system PARCOURSUP, which led to 50 000 graduates, who do not have have been able to access higher studies, and that our leaving it is also difficult.
PARCOURUS is a new post-bac admission platform for future students, This platform is based on the ORE Orientation and Student Success Act), which replaces the previous draw, for the choice of higher education. This Law Number 2018-166 was voted on March 8, 2018, under the current government. This new Parcoursup platform to replace APB, the end of the draw ... aims in particular to reduce the failure rate in the first year of college. Faced with the disastrous balance sheet of the post-bac platform, the union and collectives of high school students and students, want to restore the right of students to access the universities of their choice, which will have to be endowed with additional human and financial resources.-----------------------
Indeed, at the beginning of September 2017 with APB, there remained 6 000 unaccompanied bachelors; by the beginning of the 2018 school year, there were 9,000 registered by the ministry. But they were also 40 000 on the waiting list and 70 000 to have a place but to hope for other answers, therefore not satisfied, and 180 000 to be out of the device, abandoning Parcoursup. More than 700 high school students were arrested by law enforcement in France on Thursday, during the fourth day of mobilization high school, according to the Ministry of the Interior. The most spectacular arrests were made in Mantes-la-Jolie, Yvelines, where 153 people were arrested for "participation in an armed crowd"
Yellow Vests Colleges Students Fires Blocages Opposition Leaders Mantes La Jolie Chaos Riots Champs Elysee Protest Taxes Rise Price Of Fuel Christophe Castaner Interior Minister Jedi Foster Rsr
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